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First Draft Plans Received for Possible Development

4th February 2016 @ 6:06am – by Parish Council
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The Parish Council has received a draft of a possible housing development on the east side of Tarporley Road. The plans have come from the land developer Gladman, who are working on behalf of a local landowner.

The plan suggests that 66 housing units be built. Following discussions with the Parish Council, the plans also envisage a Multi-Use Games Area, a skate park, and a 20 space car park. The plan, which covers just over 5 hectares (2 hectares of housing) just south of Garden Field, also follows the line of the existing Right of Way south from the corner of the Cinder Track.

The Parish Council were pleased to see that the developer had listened to what the Parish Council had requested as community requirements, though there were differences of opinion as to the specific layout. They were also disappointed that neither the Diocese or Cheshire West and Chester Council who own land directly to the south of the proposed site would engage at all to discuss a more comprehensive approach to the development of a wider swathe of land to the east of the road.

The policy of the Parish Council has stated for some time now that, should more residential development be considered for Tarvin, then it should be located east of Tarporley Road. The detailed community requirements and housing mix are the subject of research and evaluation by the Neighbourhood Plans Steering Group. Currently Tarvin has taken nearly all the 200 extra units proposed in the Local Plan, but is aware that this number is a guide, not a definitive limit.

However the Parish Council wish to stress that a draft plan is just the start of any proposal. There is a huge gap between what is suggested at this stage and what might be eventually approved, if indeed it is approved at all. The Parish Council is determined that, whatever its size, Tarvin will remain a lively and sustainable village with the right mix of facilities and houses to meet the needs of its residents in the short and medium term.

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