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Fracking coming to Tarvin?

1st April 2014 @ 6:06am – by EditorTarvin Webteam
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Those of you who attend the monthly Parish Council meeting would know that occasionally the Council goes into closed session to discuss "potentially commercially sensitive issues". Our investigative team at www.tarvinonline.org has discovered that most of the discussions have been about the possibility of fracking coming to Tarvin. When pursued on the matter and after exhausting the Editor's entertainment allowance Councillor Ted Lush admitted the existence of a sub-committee to look into this. He said" we are a very forward looking Parish Council with a new Website and we also publish interesting stories about Council business on Tarvinonline. If we can move the Annual Parish meeting to a Saturday morning in the Methodist church then anything is possible!" ( Ed: more on this story later in the week).
When pressed further he said" Councillor Miles has been given the title "fracking" councillor in addition to his role as Broadband Champion. Evidently Councillor Miles was given this poison chalice due to his long lasting archaeological interest in digging deep holes, peering in and then finding nothing.
Our "eco mole" in the council revealed to us that a Parish map has been developed from a large scale aerial photograph with crosses in parishioners' back gardens indicating possible drilling sites. The government has proposed making financial payments to areas where fracking goes ahead and some of this will go to householders affected.
In line with policy a consultation will be undertaken. Due to the cost involved only a very limited survey will be done and those being consulted seem to be identical to homeowners with crosses on the map. Councillor Miles expects a "North Korean " style response and answer. If there are insufficient YES votes a second survey will be done ( as with EU governments) or else the results of the consultation will be ignored.
Any householders who want a large cross in their back garden and are not already on the list can apply ( with a small admin fee) via our sister website " a borehole near you".
Do check first to see if you are already listed via the map link here

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