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Fracking rears it's head again?

27th September 2015 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
Back home  »  News  »  Fracking rears it's head again?

We received today the attached leaflet-just clickon a Geophysical survey from one of our readers which we were told had been delivered to some Tarvin houses on 24/09/15.

His view was " that this could be the initial step to a test rig and who knows what ".

We understand he intends coming to next Monday's Parish Meeting and in the Public forum at the start of the meeting raise the issue and request that the Council vote on not allowing any geophysical survey on land owned by the Parish council.

As regular attenders know issues raised that are not on the agenda (which this isn't) cannot be discussed at that Council meeting but could be put on a subsequent meeting if the Council decide.

We published anarticle about frackingjust over 12 months ago

Ed: sorry the leaflet is not vertical but it defied attempts to rotate it!. No claims for a twisted neck please! You may find you need to open the PDF (at the bottom of your screen)

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