In 2023 help an older person to remain safer in their home.
Since 2019 Able Community Care, a Norfolk, Live-in Care Provider, has been offering older people and people with a disability, a free door sticker to deter unwanted callers.
As many people have told us, this sticker on a door does mean they walk back down the path.
To date we have given out nearly 180,000 door stickers and if you know of an older person who would like to have one, please email us at telling us how many you would like and the address to send them to.
We are happy for you to share this offer on your Facebook page or in your local magazine/newsletter
ablecommunitycare Nationwide Live-in Care Provider since 1980
NB -- After despatch we do not put any address on a database or pass them on to other organisations.
Managing Director
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