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Fresh Appeal by Tarvin Residents Group

14th March 2017 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Residents Group
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gypsy site

TheTarvin Residents Group are very concerned by the lack of response to our petitions objecting to the proposed Gypsy & Traveller's Site on Tarporley Road. Despite the fact that we distributed 1200 leaflets throughout the village in Dec 2016 – to date only circa 125 have been returned and a total of 710 signatures have been secured (both on-line & in written form).

We are aware that at the beginning of our campaign we did say that individual letters were the preferred way for making our objections known and over 700 residents responded and wrote in to CWaC.

Whilst this level of objection carries considerable weight, we are now intent on raising the profile of our objections at Cabinet level within the Council. In order to achieve this we need a minimum of 1600 signatures on our petition and whilst this may not change the Council's mind it will, at least bring the issue into focus.

Based upon conversations with and comments made by some of our Residents – the TRG are becoming increasingly aware that many people have come to the conclusion that the proposed Gypsy & Traveller's Site is not coming to the village. Consequently they have not responded to our appeal to sign the petition.

It would seem that many believe that the proposal by Gladman Developments to seek approval to build houses on the privately owned land adjoining the CWaC owned site means that the Gypsy site will simply not happen. Indeed many people think that the GATS was simply a "red herring" to get the housing development.

Although we understand why people might take this view, as far as we are aware, THERE IS NOTHING SUBSTANTIVE TO SUPPORT THIS VIEW AND IMPORTANTLY THE TARPORLEY ROAD SITE REMAINS ON THE LIST OF POTENTIAL SITES. The advice we have received indicates that it is by no means certain that the Gladman proposal will be successful and even if it were, the GATs site might still be approved. Careful reading of the fine detail within the WYG report submitted to CWaC reveals that Tarvin is viewed as "having the potential for more than one site", so if one were approved, there could be others in the future.

We are aware that a Task Force – consisting of four Ward Councillors has been appointed to review the proposed sites – they have also been asked to look for any alternative suitable sites.

The work of this Task Force is shrouded in secrecy – no minutes or records of conversations will be kept or published, whilst TRG consider this course of action to be undemocratic it is nevertheless – permitted.

TRG are working hard to prepare a detailed dossier on why Tarvin is not a suitable site, we have identified what we believe to be suitable alternatives, we are now seeking to engage with the Task Force in order to present our case and hope to have the opportunity to do so in the near future.

The Task Force is due to report back to CWaC by July – our petition closes on the 24th April – if we are to use this petition as a meaningful tool for objecting we must raise the required number of signatures by then.

We urge you to demonstrate the same degree of resistance and objection as you have done before and complete your petition form immediately. A petition can be foundhere for download and the link to the online petition

(Ed: Despite the comments from readers the link above does work to CWAC website but takes a time to get through to the right page so be patient- I think their servers get overloaded!!)

If you require another or a further supply of forms please contact us.


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