The distribution of letters to many householders in Tarvin from TESLA Exploration International on behalf of IGAS has raised concerns in the parish, concerns that are shared by the Parish Council.
The Parish Council has asked that a representative of the company come and address the Council, and though an agreement to come has been given, no date has been yet confirmed.
Of all the issues that might affect the parish, fracking is one of the most emotive with very strong views being shown on both sides of the argument.
It should be stressed that what is being proposed at the moment is a three-dimensional geological survey only, though it would be foolish to pretend that this is not a starting position for potential future work. The southern boundary of the 'block' to be surveyed cuts straight across Tarvin so, technically, not everyone is affected. It is to clarify some of these issues that the Parish Council has asked for a meeting with TESLA.
TESLA operate under strict planning guidelines and deal directly with landowners who must give permission for the survey work to be carried out. It has been suggested that the Parish Council should not let any survey work be carried out on any land it owns, but as the largest piece of land owned by the Parish Council is the King George V Playing Field, this should not be a major issue.
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The Parish Council will keep residents informed of all information received and will advertise the meeting with TESLA widely.
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