Geological Survey in the Chester/Ellesmere Port area.
At the end of August, Tarvin Parish Council, along with many others in the West Cheshire area, received a long letter from a company called TESLA Exploration International Ltd. It detailed a programme of a 2D seismic geological survey on behalf of IGas Energy in the Chester and Ellesmere Port area. The letter also included a detailed maps of the narrow corridors that would be affected and this was looked at in detail at a Parish Council Planning Committee meeting on Saturday Sept 6th.
The Councillors attending that meeting can confirm that the parish of Tarvin is NOT affected by any of the proposed survey areas and that the nearest point that the survey will reach is some miles north and west of the parish boundary. However the correspondence states that its purpose is to 'identify possible oil and gas deposits'. At no point in the 6 page letter, which is full of precise, technical detail concerning the survey, does the word 'fracking' occur.
The Parish Council, no doubt like the managers of TESLA, is very conscious of the emotive power of that particular word. It engenders strong emotions and widely differing opinions from those who feel it is essential to maintain energy supply and independence to those who feel it is a potential environmental catastrophe.
At the present time Councillors can only stress that the plans at this moment are for EXPLORATION only and do NOT affect Tarvin. The Parish Council will bring to the parish all information that comes to it about what is happening in the surrounding area and will keep a focussed watching brief of any developments as they become public.
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