Are you a member of a voluntary group based in Tarvin Parish needing a small amount of financial support?
The Parish Council allocates an amount of its precept each year to provide grants to voluntary organisations based in the Parish who are in need of financial support. The amount available during the year from April 2017 to March 2018 will be £2,900.
This is the same amount that was available for this financial year when the grant was shared between Tarvin Community Woodland Trust, Tarvin Community Centre, Scout and Guide Movement, Tarvin Village Fete, Tarvin Christmas Festival, and St Andrews Church.
When considering grant aid to local groups the Parish Council normally takes into the following into account:
* The Group's current and forecast financial position.
* Whether all other potential legitimate sources of funding have been tried and the outcome of those approaches, including reasons for any rejection.
* The overall benefit derived by the community from the work of the Group and/or the asset over which they have stewardship – where eligibility to partake is very narrowly defined or restrictive grants will not be given.
* Whether access to the asset, facility or activity is available to all and if restricted the reason for and nature of any restriction.
Grants provided will normally not be restricted in any way but given on the condition that the Parish Council receive a written report from the recipient indicating how the money has been spent along with a copy of their annual accounts showing the grant as a separate item.
Organisations wishing to be considered for grant aid during the coming year should apply in writing to the Clerk of the Council no later than Friday 31st March 2017. Please either e-mail to or write to the Clerk at Roy Cottage, Townfield Lane, Tarvin, CH3 8EG
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