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'A Haaandbaag'??

25th January 2015 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Community Centre
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importance  of being earnest

Many people of a certain age will see the title to this article and at once try to repeat the inimitable, aristocratic tones of Edith Evans as Lady Bracknell in the wonderful comedy by Oscar Wilde, 'The Importance of Being Earnest'. The Community Centre is delighted to announce that a performance of this play will be held on Saturday April 25th at 7.30pm

The production has been created by Consensus Theatre, a Warrington based group of part-time actors who are committed to bringing first class theatre to smaller venues. Founded in 2011 they have already had two successful tours with Private Lives and The Bouncers, tours which included performances at the Brindley Theatre in Runcorn.

The Importance of Being Earnest was first performed in 1895 and is a witty comedy about mistaken identities carefully hidden beneath the impeccable manners of Victorian England. Not only is the title a play on words – Earnest/Ernest, but there is the added frisson of 'earnest' being Victorian slang for 'gay'! Consensus have paced this production of the play in the 1950's another time when the gap between what was expected of people and what they actually did, was wide.

Winston Churchill once said – "Ill fares the race which fails to salute the arts with the reverence and delight which is their due". The Community Centre Committee agrees with this sentiment whole heartedly and is delighted to be able to add yet another theatrical experience to the calendar. Tickets are £10 and will be available from the Post Office and from the Community Centre nearer the time.

For more details go to www.tarvincommunitycentre.org or to www.consensustheatre.co.uk

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