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'Happy Mondays' come to Tarvin

27th January 2017 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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st andrews church

St Andrews Church has launched a number of activities in January taking place on a Monday. They form part of the church's determination to increase the contribution it makes to the wider village community. All activities take place in the Parish Rooms and are free.

Coffee @ 10
From 10.00am to 11.00am carers of young children are invited to enjoy a cup of coffee in pleasant surrounding while their little ones play. Caring for children, either as a parent, grandparent or carer can be rewarding but a bit isolating, so social time with others in the same situation is a great antidote to this.

Singles Lunch
At 11.30am the emphasis turns to other isolated people, those who are by themselves and who would otherwise be having a lonely lunchtime. The emphasis is on company and conversation and, though there will be an opportunity for a game of cards or dominoes, it is the pleasure of meeting people that is at the heart of this initiative. It is hoped that the lunch will attract those who have been recently bereaved where the change of circumstances can be difficult to adjust to. Soup and sandwiches are on the menu, there is an optional donation of £1 and transport can be arranged for those with limited mobility.

Soul Gym
Once that session has ended, people are invited to attend a 'Soul Gym', an exercise session for the inner being (no body movement involved!) From 1.30pm until 2.30pm and later in the evening from 8.00pm until 9.00pm participants will be invited to feed and nurture their souls through meditation, 'soulercise' and through the contemplation of faith.

Vicar, Adam Friend said "By offering a hand of friendship and support to the community, the Church can express the Christian faith in an open and inclusive way. The sessions are open to all, not just church goers, and to those of faith and of no professed faith." Monday was chosen as a day when a number of village institutions are closed and when the start of the week can seem a little daunting to some.

For more details contact Adam on 01829 740354/07984 003665 or by email at vicar@tarvinparish.com

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