Safe and Well Visit
Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service offer a free 'Safe and Well Visit' for people who are aged over 65 and for people who are referred to us by partner agencies because they are considered to be at a particular risk.
Safe and Well Visits are available to Cheshire residents who are aged over 65. The visits will still incorporate the traditional fire safety information (and smoke alarm fitting), but will also offer additional advice on slips, trips and fall prevention and affordable warmth. Bowel cancer screening is discussed, as well as offering additional support to those who wish to stop smoking, taking drugs or reduce their alcohol consumption.And heart checks are also offered to residents.
Fit a smoke alarm and test it regularly
A working smoke alarm can help you and your family escape a deadly home fire. Fit smoke alarms on each level of your home.
Test the batteries in your smoke alarm every week and change them every year – never remove them apart from when replacing them
Be prepared, just in case there is a fire in your home
If there's a fire, don't tackle it yourself – get out, stay out and call 999
Check for fire hazards in your home before you go to bed – it takes longer to become aware of a fire when asleep
Make an escape plan, just in case there is a fire
Take care when cooking
More than half of accidental fires in the home start because of something to do with cooking
Take extra care when cooking with hot oil and don't leave children alone in the kitchen when the hob or oven is on
Take care with electrical appliances
Don't overload sockets
Try to keep to one plug per socket – too many electrical appliances plugged into one socket can overload it, which can lead to overheating
electrical appliances, plugs and cables that are old or poorly wired can also be a real danger
Take care when smoking – advice for smokers
Cigarettes – put them out, right out
More people die in fires caused by smoking products than in fires caused by anything else always stub cigarettes out properly and dispose of them carefully
Take care when using candles
Candles, decorative lights and decorations are a growing cause of fires – please make sure candles are secured in a stable holder and kept away from curtains, fabrics and paper always put candles out when you are leaving the room or going to bed.
Take care during celebrations and holidays
In addition to the everyday care you should take extra precautions if you are hosting a party, or if you have friends or family staying in your home:
If you have guests staying the night, make sure they know how to escape safely
Let guests know of any features they may not be familiar with – for example, how to unlock your front door
Tell guests where the door keys are kept overnight
Take particular care of elderly people, children and those with disabilities
If there are smokers, put out enough ashtrays, so ash and butts don't get dropped in places like wastepaper bins
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