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Home-schooling children – tips

30th March 2020 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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Tips and advice for families and carers home-schooling children as schools close amid coronavirus pandemic

Now schools have closed amid the coronavirus outbreak, we share some useful tips and advice for those forced into home-schooling.

Families across the county are having to self-isolate as the COVID-19 virus sweeps through the UK, leaving some children without vital education.

Lee Wilcock, principal of Wolsey Hall Oxford, the home-schooling college, said: "Home education is a partnership between the child, the parent and the school.

"The best outcomes happen when a parent is able to support their child. Creating a daily and weekly timetable of study is essential to providing the structure that children need."

Our top tips:

  • Help your child prepare a daily and weekly timetable. It may help to follow the usual school timetable but perhaps working to the child's preferred hours.
  • Give your child encouragement. These are challenging times. Such a sudden change will be unsettling for many children.
  • If your child gets stuck on a topic, see if you can offer practical solutions, such as finding a website with further information.
  • Encourage your child to email their teachers if they need help that you can't provide.
  • Review your child's progress daily. Make sure they are sticking to their timetable, are not cutting corners and are producing work to the standard of which they are capable.

Your child may complete their work more quickly while schooling at home. So reward them with time off to do an activity they enjoy such as kicking a football in the garden or watching a favourite TV programme.

Mr Wilcock added: "Without between lesson distractions, children may complete work at home more quickly than at school.

"This will allow for more regular breaks as they become used to working at home.

"But they do need to keep to the regular timetable that you have agreed with them. This will ensure they keep on top of their work."

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