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Housing Growth 2010-2030

24th January 2018 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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A key element at the heart of the Neighbourhood Plan is future Housing development.
Currently there are approximately 1350 dwellings in the Parish of Tarvin and about 1050 of these are located in Tarvin Village itself as defined by the settlement boundary we discussed in a previous article.
The remainder are spread around the Plan area , particularly in Oscroft with about fewer than 50 houses excluded from the Plan area which is smaller than the Parish Boundary.

The agenda for housing numbers and growth within Tarvin Parish has been set by CWaC in their Local Plan and Tarvin has been designated a Key Service Centre Between 2010 and 2030 this Local Plan set a minimum Housing growth of 200 dwellings. By 2016 this target was all but met due to the 2 major developments of Saxon Heath and Millside Close together with some other minor developments.
Assuming the Local Plan remains as set then there is in theory no further development needed to meet the requirements set down for Tarvin.

On a case by case basis CWaC may still approve small in-fill developments (1 to 2 houses) or building conversions and this is considered acceptable by the Steering Team.

Community Feedback
Any future development should however be based on the aspirations of the residents as identified in the 2016 Community survey namely:

  • Any development should protect open space, existing hedgerows and trees (91%)
  • A focus on good quality design to complement the existing housing and surroundings (88%)
  • Houses should have gardens and space to park a car (87%)
  • No building should exceed two storeys in height to protect views of the open countryside (85%)

The community (59%) would support there being NO further housing development as there is a belief that there will be an increased strain on community facilities and infrastructure. In particular there are concerns over transport and health provision.

Further Housing development is seen as the least important priority for the Plan area

In the next article we will look closer at the 7 key Policy objectives identified for Housing Growth.

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