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Hustings Arrive at Tarporley Sixth Form College

1st May 2015 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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On Friday, 24th April, Tarporley Sixth Form students were treated to the spectacle of a hustings debate with the five main candidates for the Eddisbury ward.

The debate was chaired by Director of Sixth Form, Jason Lowe, who introduced Sixth Formers, staff and governors to Antoinette Sandbach (Con), James Laing (Lab), Ian Priestner (LD), Andrew Garman (Green) and Rob Millington (UKIP).

Pictured L-R: Tina Everton, Sixth Form Pastoral Manager, James Laing, Rob Millington, Antoinette Sandback, Andrew Garman, Ian Priestner, Liam Martin, Deputy Head Teacher and Jason Lowe, Director of Sixth Form & Deputy Head Teacher

After previously reviewing local and national party campaign messages, students questioned the candidates on issues such as the NHS, tuition fees, regional infrastructure, the EU and the expansion of our local villages into greenbelt land. The debate culminated in a question from Deputy Head Boy, Tom Critchley, who asked each candidate, 'If you had to vote for another party, which party would you vote for?'

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The question and subsequent responses were greeted with much good humour, after which students were asked for a show of hands to confirm their intention to vote in the general election. Mr Lowe thanked the candidates for their candid responses and commented that the debate was a huge success, providing students with an insight into politics and possibly inspiring a future politician or two!

(Pictured with the candidates are staff and governors)
Photos courtesy of Matty Davies

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