Perhaps you can remember that TarvinOnline started way back in June 2013. Since that time the Editorial team has been ever-present and has published over 3600 articles. As a minimum we put on one article every day (except major Bank Holidays) and often its two articles.
Many of these are sent in by Tarvin residents via our email address and "all" the Editors have to do is organise them into the website format and perhaps add relevant photos. However quite often the stream goes dry and the Editors improvise with news/articles of their own , both local and from farther afield which we hope our residents find interesting.
The common theme is Editors!
Next week as the saying goes "We have a problem".
One Editor is off into warmer climes for 3 + weeks ( the lucky one!) whilst the 2nd Editor is having an operation ( unlucky but needed). The 3rd is in the process of moving house!
So no cover for a while – the first time in over 5 years. The outcome is that TarvinOnline may go off line for some time.
You never know perhaps a guest Editor may appear ( we are twisting arms) but if not bear with us until we are back up and running at full strength.
TarvinOnline is powered by our active community.
Please send us your news and views.