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Its that time of the year!

23rd September 2017 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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You know when autumn is setting in- leaves start to turn in colour before filling up your gutters, it gets colder at night and you argue about putting the central heating on, but most importantly you get reminders about flu jabs.

How effective is the flu jab?

Flu vaccine is the best protection we have against an unpredictable virus that can cause unpleasant illness in children and severe illness and death among at-risk groups, including older people, pregnant women and those with an underlying medical health condition.

Studies have shown that the flu jab will help prevent you getting the flu. It won't stop all flu viruses and the level of protection may vary, so it's not a 100% guarantee that you'll be flu-free, but if you do get flu after vaccination it's likely to be milder and shorter-lived than it would otherwise have been.
Flu can be unpleasant, but if you are otherwise healthy it will usually clear up on its own within a week.


Whatever the argument I am up for the jab because if you have ever caught the proper flu ( not man flu!) then its not pleasant.
So this week I had a reminder from Tarvin surgery. I duly booked but no appointment until October 14 when there seems to be a mass vaccination in Tarvin so here's hoping there is no early infections about.
You can also get a jab at our Village Pharmacy run by Ian Littler. He provides a very useful leaflet on flu symptons and treatment.

PS. The syringe is not really that big I have been reliably informed

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