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Gardeners – Keep an eye on the clock!

12th August 2022 @ 8:08pm – by Tarvin Webteam
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Tarvin Horticultural Show entry forms have to reach Ian Levitt (the Show Secretary) by 5pm tomorrow evening (Friday, August 12th.) You can submit them either:

Do have a look around your garden. You may be surprised at how many really lovely examples of flowers, fruit or vegetables you can find – and all of your entries will be COMPLETELY FREE! Remember that this isn't Chelsea – the judges will be looking for the best exhibit on the table in front of them, not for examples of horticultural perfection!

Why not encourage the youngsters to have a go at their classes? Unlike the adults, they get cash prizes – 1st is worth a fiver, 2nd gets £3 and even a 3rd place picks up a quid! Not bad for a competition that costs nothing to enter. We adults, of course, are doing it only for the fun (and possibly for the glory? Oh, well, it's good to dream!)

Staging the exhibits for the show must be done between 8.30am and 11am on Saturday, 13th August. There will be stewards on duty to help you set your items up in the right place! After 11am, the judges get to work and, by 2pm (when the doors open to let you see the outcomes of your efforts), all of the prizes will have been awarded. The trophies (all 10 of them!) will be presented at 3.30pm by Sue Makin of Clemley House Gardens.

Interested but don't have a schedule or entry form? You can obtain both from Tarvin Post Office or from Ian Levitt at 2, Field Close, Tarvin, CH3 8DL. You could also email tgs.show.2022@btinternet.com (which may be quicker!)

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