Keeping the Conservation Area Looking Good
The Parish Council has received a letter from Tarvin Civic Trust drawing attention to a number of alterations to properties in the Conservation area that had taken place without the necessary planning permission being obtained first. These had been brought to the attention of CW&C's Planning Department who are now in contact with the owners.
Much of the centre of old Tarvin, and some of the properties along Barrow and Poole Lanes are a part of the Conservation Area and any alterations to the outside appearance of buildings MUST get planning permission. This does not mean that improvements can't be made, but that they must be in keeping with the surrounding properties. It might mean, for example, the use of hardwoods rather than plastic of aluminium.
Details of the extent of the Conservation Area can be found on-line. Go to the Parish Council section on the Tarvin Online Homepage, choose the Your Parish section from the menu and then Conservation Area from the drop down choices.
The Conservation Area document was produced and delivered to all houses in the Conservation Area some time ago so the Parish Council therefore agreed to have the existing document checked for accuracy. It will then re-deliver the document to the relevant households with the spring edition of the Tarvin Times. It will also undertake to do this check on a regular basis every two years.
Should any resident in the Conservation Area have any concerns about work they may wish to undertake then planning officers at CW&C are always happy to give advice. They can be contacted on 0300 123 7027, Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 5.00pm and the informal advice is free. Serious breaches of the planning regulations in a Conservation Area can sometimes mean the reinstatement of the original condition of the building, an outcome all would wish to avoid.
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