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Kelsall Vintage Steam Rally – Temporary Traffic Restrictions

15th June 2023 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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Below is the text of the notice from Cheshire West and Chester Council of temporary traffic restrictions while the Kelsall Steam and Vintage Rally event takes place at Ashton.

Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council
Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
(Kelsall Steam and Vintage Rally)
(Temporary Traffic Regulation) 2023

Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of Section 14 (2) (b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, temporary traffic restrictions will be in operation between Friday 23rd of June and Sunday 25th of June 2023, the effect of which will be to restrict traffic as detailed below on roads in the Parishes of Ashton Hayes, Kelsall and Tarvin while the Kelsall Steam and Vintage Rally event takes place at Ashton.

A 40mph speed limit will be in operation from
19:00 on Wednesday 21st of June until 14:00 on the 25th of Juneon the following roads:
A54 between Chester Road (Kelsall traffic lights) to Shay Lane.
Introduce a no right turn from A54 to B5393 Ashton Lane. A diversion will be in place from A54 in a westerly direction to the Tarvin roundabout A54 / A51 and return to Ashton Lane on Friday 23rd of June from 09:00 until 21:00, and Saturday 24th of June and Sunday 25th of June from 08:00 until 17:00.

One way working will also be in place on Kelsall Road operating in a southeast to north west direction between its junctions with A54 and Duck Lane on Saturday 24th of June from 06:00 until 17:00, and Sunday 25th of June from 08:00 until 16:00.

Pedestrian access to premises situated on or adjacent to the roads will be maintained at all times.
The promoter of these events is Geoff Newsome, Kelsall Steam and Vintage Rally.
For further information about these restrictions please contact the undersigned.

Ian Tordoff – Events Development Officer (REF) Cheshire West and Chester CouncilHQ 3rd Floor58 Nicholas StreetChesterCH1 2NPChester

Tel: 01244 976928
E-mail: ian.tordoff@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
12 June 2023

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