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11th April 2019 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
Back home  »  News  »  KING GEORGE PLAYING FIELD
playing equipment

A new piece of gym equipment has now been installed on the King George Playing Field. Here at Tarvinonline we have high hopes that Tarvin teenagers will see this as an opportunity to impress their friends with just how buff they can be become. Of course older residents can also use the equipment, but they would probably admit that teenagers have a head start when it comes to buffness!

So the steps to get buff are:-
Decide the areas of your body that are the weakest. Getting buff requires you to build weak muscles to even out your physique. ...
Set strength and aerobic goals. These will keep your workouts on track and allow you to hit milestones as you change your body's shape. ...
Write down your goals. ...

As you can see it's probably better for teenagers than retired Tarvin residents – but you never know how a quick warm up on your way to the Tennis Club or the Bowling Green may do wonders for your game!

Ed: this is a "before picture" I know. Can anyone passing through send us a photo of the new equipment please

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