Learn La Bella Lingua in Tarvin.
If learning a foreign language is on your radar then you need look no further than Tarvin Community Centre this Autumn and Winter. I am a language graduate, qualified English Foreign Language teacher and Tarvin resident who is going to be running a number of Italian courses starting in September, October and January.
The first confirmed course will start at the Centre on Wednesday 13th September and will run for twelve weeks until 5th December (with a week's break over half term). Each class of this Complete Beginners' course will start at 10am and will last for 90 minutes with a short break for refreshments half way through. The course costs just £120 plus the cost of your book and CD (to be confirmed).
I use an interactive method which is engaging, effective and fun. You'll have a grasp of the basics in no time at all!
The course is likely to be popular so don't delay in reserving your place by emailing italian4funcheshire@gmail.com or by calling Deborah on 07966 171849.
In the meantime here are five compelling reasons to learn Italian:-
1. Italian is the most romantic and musical of the Romance languages. Italian sentence structure is highly rhythmic with most words ending in vowels and this adds a musicality to the spoken language, making it a popular choice for Opera.
2. Unlike English, Italian words are pronounced as written although it will be necessary to learn some simple pronunciation rules at the start of the course.
3. Approximately 30% of English words are of Latin origin, meaning that there will be many Italian words already familiar to you. What's more there are many Italian/English cognates.
4. There are only 21 letters in the Italian alphabet, making it simpler than the English language.
5. And then there's Italy with its rich culture and heritage not to mention its animated people and wonderful food!
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