Cheshire West and Chester Council is reminding residents that they have until Monday to register to join together and buy gas and electricity collectively in the latest bid to save money on energy bills this winter.
As winter approaches CWaC has joined forces with 11 councils across the UK to create a Collective Energy Scheme, where residents are able to combine their purchasing power and bulk-buy their energy as a group, enabling them to negotiate with providers for cheaper energy bills.
Known as collective switching, the scheme takes the hassle out of comparing and switching suppliers and participants are seeing savings of up to £200 a year.
Executive Member for Growth and Innovation, Councillor Lynda Jones, said: "As winter draws closer rising fuel bills and more and more people risking their health by living in cold, damp homes due to fuel poverty are major concerns of this authority.
This scheme is set to be the biggest of its kind in the UK – with 11 councils involved in the project its means over 1.5 million households are eligible to join the scheme and start saving money on their energy bills by combining their purchasing power.
The more people that sign up, the bigger the potential savings so I would encourage all West Cheshire residents, regardless of the size of your property, to sign up today and help secure lower monthly bills."
Registering for the free scheme is easy. All you need to do is visit the Ready to Switch website below and provide your contact details, the name of your supplier and details of your current energy usage and tariff before midnight on Monday, October 13.
For more info click here
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