Recently, at the request of the Parish Council, the Parish Clerk obtained a NO PARKING sign and it was attached to the fencing to the left of the Playing Field Gates. It was firmly screwed to batons. A few days later it had been removed, unscrewed in a very deliberate manner. This was not an act of petty vandalism.
There are few people who like rules and regulations, especially if they seem petty or unnecessary, but the NO PARKING sign was put up for very sensible reasons – the space outside the Playing Field is not, and never has been, a parking area.
When the Playing Field is quiet there is usually plenty of parking space inside and members of the public are welcome to park for as long as they wish, free of charge. But when the Playing Field is busy, the space needs to be kept free for access to the field and to Townfield Lane, and to keep the pavement clear for pedestrians.
A number of residents have complained about inconsiderate parking and the Parish Council agreed to act in response to the complaints. It is what Parish Councils are expected to do.
The Parish Council would like to say to the person who removed the sign; if you disagree with the decision come along to the next Parish Council meeting – on Monday Feb 23rd at 7.15pm in the Community Centre – and argue your case. Otherwise please can we have our sign back?
The sign cost £15, not a huge amount in the overall scheme of things, and the sign will be replaced. The Parish Council would rather spend their limited funds, which come from resident's taxes – your taxes – on other things.
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