Lighting the Car Park
The Parish Council has agreed to the proposal by the Scout and Guide Management Committee to install better lighting on their building to illuminate the Car Park on the King George V Playing Field during the winter evenings.
This will improve the safety of both children and car drivers.
Two 50 watt LED floodlights will be installed at the apex of both the Scout and Guide Halls though these can be upgraded if felt to be insufficient. The lights will only be used when the Halls are in use and will not be used after 9.30pm. Both immediate neighbours have been contacted and have raised no objections. The lights will be installed as soon as possible for use this winter.
The continued growth and development of the Scout and Guide movement in the village has been welcomed by the Parish Council, who appreciate the hard work and effort that has gone into this revival. The Scout and Guide movement has become a modern and relevant youth organisation and its importance in the lives of Tarvin's young people is growing.
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