Those of you who read the Parish Council agendas closely will see that every month there is an item called "List of Outstanding Items". This list, put together by Councillor Lush, contains details of all the requests that have been made to CW&C that have never been finally resolved.
It would be incorrect to say that items are never removed from the list, some issues do take time to be resolved and are influenced by circumstances outside the Council's control. Some are dependent on legal time requirements. But it also true to say that some items have been on the list for many, many months and the list never seems to get any shorter.
The Parish Council agreed that at their March meeting they would take time to analyse the list with a view to breaking the deadlock. They will look at three possibilities:
* Items which are serious enough to keep the pressure on and for which a solution should be achieved. Tarvin residents pay their Council Tax in good faith and should expect a good level of services in return
* Items which might now never be provided by CW&C because of budgetary or staff constraints but which might be completed by the Parish Council using their own funds.
* Items which could be abandoned as unlikely ever to be completed and are now of less importance.
There is no doubt that one of the roles undertaken by the Parish Clerk is to send regular letters and to make regular phone calls to the relevant departments to try and secure action on parish problems. But the Clerk's time is limited and it seems very reasonable to try and concentrate his efforts, and the efforts of the Parish Council, on the areas where progress can be made.
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