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Lower High Street

7th February 2020 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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lower high st

At the Parish Council meeting last week the Council considered a complaint from a resident living on the lower High Street about traffic speeds, inappropriate parking and Cheshire West and Chester Councils method for carrying out speed assessments.

The meeting felt that, while it was not impossible for vehicles to "race up and down this section of road at 30-40 mph or sometimes even higher" (as stated by the complainant) this would be exceptional given the number of parked cars and the traffic coming the other way, both of which have the effect of reducing vehicle speeds to the 20 mph limit imposed last spring.

In order to justify any proposal for a particular speed limit, CWaC has to survey and assess the average actual speed of vehicles. The meeting agreed to send the resident's comments and criticism of the method used to Highways for their response.

The meeting shared the resident's frustration about parking and believes that vehicles should not obstruct the pavement because of the difficulty this causes for people with buggies or those with a disability. Wherever people park, and particularly in the village centre, they should respect the needs of other users. However, unless parking enforcement can spend more time in Tarvin then inappropriate parking is likely to continue

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