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Macmillan Longest Day Golf Challenge.

23rd June 2020 @ 6:06am – by Nick Glazzard
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It was December 2019 when one of a group of friends suggested to his 3 mates to take part in the Macmillan Longest Day Golf Challenge.

1 in 3 people will get cancer at some point in their life. The charity Macmillan provide physical financial and emotional support to those affected by cancer. The mates said yes straight away. They planned for the 20th of June 2020.

When events in the world changed our day to day lives in March this year it was thought there was no chance fundraising could go ahead. But the team trained hard to get to a point where if things fell in to place they could go ahead and carry out the challenge as first planned.

On the 20th of June the team of 4 from Chester started at 6am and played 4 rounds of golf in Cheshire, finally completing the challenge at 9.30pm on Saturday evening.

The team "Chief Supers" played 72 holes of golf without stopping. They walked 26 miles, taking circa 55,000 steps, one of the team was even carrying a rather painful calf injury having damaged his calf muscle while training 10 days before the event.

So far their efforts have raised just over £2000 but they would love to have more support for such a worthy cause. The link is here to join in

Ed: a great idea for a great cause!

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