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29th August 2015 @ 6:06am – by Heather Love
Back home  »  News  »  MAH JONGG GROUP SESSIONS
mah jongg

I am currently setting up a Mah-Jongg Group at the Community Centre here in Tarvin.
There will be MAH JONGG GROUP SESSIONS atTarvin Community Centre every Tuesday from 9.30am to 12.30pm (Starting 15th September 2015)

Mah-Jongg is an old version of rummy that originated in China and was very popular here in the UK in the 1920's and today is still a game played by thousands worldwide. This is not however, the computer game called Mah-Jongg which unfortunately uses the Mah-Jongg pieces but bears no resemblance to the real game.
There are many variations of Mah-Jongg depending upon which country you are in, Taiwanese, Hong Kong, and American Mah-Jongg are just a few. The pieces (known as tiles) the game is played with become a part of you and many players have sets made with their own designs on the back for good luck.
The game is made to look complicated but really it is not and for those whom enjoy card and board games you will be playing Mah-Jongg within a short 20 minute lesson and probably like most people will be struck with the Mah-Jongg bug and wanting to go out and purchase a set of your own luxury tiles.
Mah-Jongg is an exciting game of skill but is also relaxing and enables you to chat around the table at the same time as playing.

If you want to find out more about Pungs, Kongs, Chows, and Goulash then please come and join me (Heather Love) every Tuesday morning 9.30 – 12.30. There will be a break for coffee in the middle.
You can contact me via hklove @ btinternet.com or telephone : 01829 741598

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