The first of Police Community Support Officer Ryan Reid's informal local surgeries will take place at the Community Centre on THURSDAY OCTOBER 1st between 11.00am and 1.00pm.
Please do come along and meet him and bring along any concerns and questions you may have. The more he knows about the community the better he will be able to respond and help.
Ryan will use the Foyer for any general conversations but if there is something of a personal or private nature that needs to be discussed, then the small office of the reception has been made available to him. He will also be able to access the Community Centre Wi-Fi system to complete some of his administration work, so helping to keep him out of the office, and face to face with the community, for longer.
If you are unable to make it on this Thursday then he will be back again on THURSDAY OCTOBER 29th at the same time.
Many residents in Tarvin, particularly older ones, regret the passing of the 'Village Bobby' with the feeling that the front line representative of the law was an integral part of village society. However much one accepts that a mobile and digital society needs a different form of policing, the desire for a 'local' person is hard to resist.
The Police Service recognises this and intends that the deployment of PCSOs will rebuild a responsive and effective link between communities and the police.
Please don't hesitate to come along and meet Ryan.
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