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Mike Tyrie Fundraising Challenge

20th May 2024 @ 6:06am – by Mike Tyrie
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Mike Tyrie has asked Tarvin Online to publicise his upcoming fundraising challenge.Mike lives in Oscroft, but previously lived in Tarvin for 20 years.

From Mike ....

"On the 7th and 8th of June 2024, I am going to attempt to complete the Bob Graham Round, an approximately 65 mile circuit of the Lake District, taking in 42 summits and around 27,000 feet of both up and down.

I aim to complete "the Bob" in under 24 hours, therefore qualifying for membership of the legendary Bob Graham Round Club!

Achieving this enormous challenge will "close the circle" on half a century of visiting the Lake District and falling in love with the mountains and all the activities we can do in them.

While attempting "the Bob", I didn't want to pass up the chance to raise money for good causes, so thought long and hard about which ones mean the most to me.

I am going to fund raise for two charities, the Guide Dogs for the Blind and our wonderful local charity, the George Heath Foundation which has done so much for Tarvin and its local good causes."

Ed: Mike's fundraising page can be found here.

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