Perhaps it was the warm weather. Perhaps it was having a man selling bird boxes on the Chapel front. Perhaps it was the powerful whiff of bacon drifting down the High Street. Whatever it was, people arrived in droves to the Craft Fair at the Chapel on Saturday 31st October. The day produced what I thought was easily the best attendance at a fair that we have ever had, with well in excess of 300 people arriving to begin their Christmas shopping.
The main hall was thronged with folk examining the craftwork on offer and the atmosphere was marvellous as everyone enjoyed themselves finding presents for 'that special person'. The ladies serving teas and cakes barely had time to turn round, the bacon ran out early (resulting in a high-speed dash to Kelsall for replenishments) and the folk selling raffle tickets were unable to write fast enough to cope with the numbers!
The outcome was a day which seemed to please everyone. A lot of happy people went home having bought items they had been seeking, the craftspeople were happy with the sales that they had made and the Chapel raised over £1,000 to help keep the building open. It was a really good day – a day that it was good to be a part of. Tarvin needs events like this to encourage and develop the spirit of community that we all appreciate so deeply. The next is the Christmas Market on Saturday 5th December. The Chapel will be open then, too, for refreshments and to see the Nativities. Come in and see us again!
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