It is probably true to say that one topic guaranteed to generate fury in any community is the amount of dog poo left visible on pavements and parks. In the last few years there has been a lot of publicity about the need to carry bags and to deposit Fido's poo in the many bins around. Overall, the village is a cleaner place.
However, what about larger offerings for the animal world?
Sue Hardacre explains" I was walking back up the High Street when I can across a very large equine offering in the middle of the path. I know very little about horses, but I am aware that it is perhaps impossible to drag one into the side so that deposit lands on grass. Are riders aware if their animal is depositing manure? I am not sure if responsible horse owners carry large black bags about with then, though suspect not, as a spade might also be required! What is the etiquette in this situation"?
Horse manure on country paths is perhaps acceptable as time and weather will reduce the problem. But tarmac is not so amenable to weathering so this pile might be a bother for some time to come unless somebody – who? – goes and shovels it aside.
It is possible and very easy to report animal fouling on the CW&C website and use their interactive map to pinpoint the problem accurately. However, Sue decided it was easier for her to go and do it herself, a job that took about 5 minutes. She said, "I just hope no one complains about the horse muck on the grass!"
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