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A New Addition

19th October 2017 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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The Playing Field has acquired a new seat with the installation of a picnic bench near the basketball nets. The seat has been provided by the Parish Council from money that came from residential developments within the parish. This is money that developers pay to provide community benefits that help mitigate the impact of their development. The same tranche also paid for the resurfacing of the car park and some minor work on the children's play area.

The Playing Field is a heavily used are and a much-appreciated open space in the village. In recent years a number of seats have been added so that spectators can rest their feet during events, or simply take the air.
The picnic bench has been particularly, though not exclusively, provided for younger residents who like to 'hang out at the Rec' – a time-honoured local pastime. It is hoped that they make use of the new litter bin as well, so reducing the number of bottles and crisp packets that often decorate the area.

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