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New Councillor Co-opted

29th June 2015 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Parish Council
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New Councillor Co-opted

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The Parish Council was delighted to approve the co-option of Mr Mike Lloyd of Oscroft to the Parish Council to fill one of the three posts available to bring the Council up to its full complement of eleven.

Mr Lloyd is a retired Chartered Engineer who for many years ran a technical translation company with his wife, based in Tarporley. This was sold to an American company in 2010, and is still a major employer in Tarporley. Mr Lloyd is active in the Rotary Club and in Kelsall Probus. He will bring both a business and technical background to the Parish Council as well as experience in a number of community initiatives.

There are still two places available on Tarvin Parish Council and Councillors look forward to other people coming forward. They would welcome an application from anyone who lives or works in the Parish but would be especially pleased to hear from younger people, or from newcomers to the area, either of whom would bring a fresh and different perspective to the discussions. Tarvin is poised on the brink of some potential changes and the views of a wide cross section of the population are needed to achieve the best possible outcome.

Please contact Mike Hassall (Parish Clerk) on 01829 741075 or Miketarvinparish@aol.com to find out more, or speak informally to any current Councillor.

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