The Parish Council is delighted that the new defibrillator is now in place on the outside wall of the Community Centre and it has been registered with the North West Ambulance Service. Though they sincerely hope that it remains unused, it is now available should the need arise.
The device is easy and safe to use, as spoken instructions are very clearly given.
However it must be stressed that the machine does NOT REPLACE CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) but is used in conjunction with it. Chest compressions are needed to pump blood around the body and rescue breaths are needed to put more oxygen in. Early CPR before the ambulance arrives has been proven to double or triple the chances of survival. If the heart has been kept oxygenated, it's easier to re-start it.
Until now the code that unlocks the defibrillator has been on the outer box. This has now been removed. You will get the code ONLY when you dial 999. Once open, remove the device and take it to where the patient – and the person doing CPR – is and open the pack. The instructions are clear and easy to follow. YOU CAN DO NO HARM TO THE PATIENT FROM THE PROPER USE OF THE MACHINE.
For more information on CPR go to theNHS website
There was a training session on CPR and the use of the defibrillator at the Community Centre recently. If you feel that you would like the opportunity to attend one locally, contact our Clerk Mike Hassall ( or on 01829 741075) and he will see if another one can be arranged. Alternatively, contact the local branch of St John's Ambulance or The British Red Cross.
We all hope we are never put in the position where we are confronted with the need to save a life, and even those who have had some basic training wonder if they would cope. But being able to do CPR – 30 chest compressions followed by 2 rescue breaths – will help pump oxygenated blood round the body's vital organs. If another bystander can bring a defibrillator to you, then the chances of the patient surviving are greatly improved.
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