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A New Face in the Area

9th September 2015 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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ryan reid local pso

Tarvin offers a warm welcome to its new Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) Ryan Reid. Following the re-organisation of the police districts, Ryan will now look after the Tarvin and Kelsall ward which includes the parishes of Tarvin, Kelsall, Delamere, Duddon, Clotton and Willington. This is a scattered rural area of about 7500 people and Ryan is the modern equivalent of the 'bobby on the beat'.

Ryan has spent the last 3 ½ years in the same role in Cuddington and Sandiway so has a good deal of experience in the role. Though technically based in the Chester Local Police Unit in Blacon, better mobile communication means that he does not have to return regularly to base but can send reports from wherever he can get a good Wi-Fi connection. He intends to be as visible and accessible as possible.

Tarvin is not a high crime area but residents will have a number of issues and concerns that affect their lives. Ryan needs to know these so that he can find the best way of addressing them. That means that he needs to get to know his patch and that residents need to talk to him. He hopes to hold a number of regular but informal 'Beat Surgeries' in the Community Centre so that he can get to know us and we can get to know him. He also has access to a number of technologies to investigate road traffic problems – a speed gun lurks in his car boot!
The days of Dixon of Dock Green are long gone and policing and society has changed. But the Police authorities realise that strong and confident links between the police and local residents not only helps to reduce crime, but creates a strong and confident community where all can feel safe and live well. Ryan is an asset that Tarvin can use, so let's use him well.

You can reach Ryan by email on ryan.reid21364@cheshire.pnn.police.uk or by calling the 101 non-emergency number

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