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New Parish Council Chairman elected

14th June 2013 @ 9:09am – by Tarvin Webteam
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At the Parish Council meeting in May Councillor Ted Lush was elected as Chairman for the next year replacing Councillor David Cotgreave who has stood down from the role after 14 years. David was also Chairman between 1977 and 1982 when he stepped down to become Mayor of the City of Chester.

Councillor Lush has lived in Tarvin for the last 26 years and has been a member of the Parish Council since 2006. He has 40 years in local government finance to call upon and is also involved in both the Community Centre and the Parish Plan implementation.

Councillor Phil Miles was elected Vice-Chairman. Councillor Miles has lived in Tarvin since 1987 and has been on the Council since 2011. He was recently the Chairman of the Parish Plan Steering Group and is the Parish Council's Superfast broadband champion.

Two new Councillors started their terms of office as co-opted members. Councillor Matthew Pochin from Oscroft represents the Outer Ward and Councillor Clare Jones, who is the third of four generations of her family living in the Parish, the Village Ward. Their period of office will last until the elections in May 2015.

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