A reminder that the Thursday evening Mah-Jong Club is now up and running and we welcome complete beginners as well as avid players.
Would you like to learn to play something different or experience what your ancestors were playing back in the 1920s?
As a beginner you will be taught to play the basic game over the coming weeks but you will be amazed at how quickly you will pick up the rules to this ancient Chinese game.
You do not need a partner to play Mah-Jongg so therefore we welcome individuals as well as couples, friends etc.
This is a fascinating game in a friendly relaxed club. Join us for an evening of Punging, Chowing and laughing!
Each session costs just £3.00 , 6.30pm -9.30pm Thursday evenings at Tarvin Community Centre.
Contact Heather Love 01829 741598 for more information.
Note: The true game of Mah-Jong bears no resemblance to the childrens game of ˜Mah-jong pairs" that is currently popular on mobile phones and tablets -come along and see the difference!
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