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Notes from the July 6th PC meeting

10th July 2020 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Parish Council
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The following notes cover the main items considered at the Parish Council (PC) meeting held via Zoom software on 6th July:

1. Speeding on Cross Lanes

The (PC) has been concerned about speeding on Cross Lanes. On the Oscroft side our Police Community Support Officer, Sue Keers conducted speed checks on two dates in June and was happy to report no vehicle was recorded exceeding the 40mph speed limit.
On Cross Lanes/Broomheath Lane, the Waverton side of the A51, Cheshire West and Chester Council (CWaC) have carried out monitoring but assessment has been held up because of Covid 19.

2. CWaC consultation on their Highways Service

On 6th July CWaC began a public consultation on their Highways Service, the PC hopes that as many Tarvin residents will respond to this as Highways touches the lives of nearly everyone who lives or works in the Parish area.

3. September Community Clean-Up day

The Clean-Up will take place on the morning of 19th September 2020, between 09:30 and 12:30. If you wish to take volunteer for Tarvin please contact Ted Lush, 01829 741468 or email: lushfamily2@tiscali.co.uk. To volunteer for Oscroft contact Peter Ryan, 01829 740576 or email: ryan218@btinternet.com
As it is likely some kind of Covid 19 restrictions will be in place social distancing is likely to be in force so pickers are unlikely to be in a group larger than two and may well be working alone. The PC will be providing pickers and bags.

4. Home to school transport

The PC is fully supporting those parents who have failed to secure free school transport to Tarporley High School this September. Our Borough Councillors, John Leather and Harry Tonge, are also very active.
The CWaC Cabinet are taking another look at School Transport and sub-groups have been set up with a view to reporting within 12 months. This work will not help the pupils/parents who are currently appealing but hopefully it will benefit Tarvin in the future.

5. Policies and Procedures

The PC, because it is a public body, spending public money and is accountable to you, works to a carefully crafted set of policies and procedures. Periodically these are reviewed to see that they are up to date, relevant fit for purpose. The PC has just reviewed the following and they can be found on the PC website: Email and address contact privacy policy, Information and data protection policy, Documents for retention or disposal policy, Privacy notice for employers policy, Complaints procedure, Media policy.

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