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On the Bench

22nd September 2014 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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empty bench

Not talking about Magistrates but our new bench in Tarvin High Street.
I am not sure whether it will take its place alongside some of the world's famous seats such as Gaudi's snake seat in Park Güell in Barcelona which aimed to create a stylish park for their aristocracy.

gaudis snake bench

Cannot see how that would get past the Parish Council Planning review or meet the Village Design Statement!
Our bench seating could become similar to that used in the film Forrest Gump. This famous seat is featured throughout the entire film and is where the kind, simple man tells the story of his life and how he met the love of his life.
So watch out for any Tarvin Parishioners resting here who strike up a conversation!
As someone once remarked " we should remember that the capacity of the mind to absorb is limited to what the seat can endure"

Why have a bench now?

The Parish Clerk informs me that each year when the budget is prepared a sum of money is put aside under the heading "Special Projects".
For this financial year the sum is £2,000. The purchase of a bench for High Street has been discussed on a number of occasions over the last few years and at the November Council meeting last year it was agreed that a small amount of this years special project money would be used to purchase the bench.

I also learnt that it is a Bristol 6ft Bench- FSC Certified Hardwood and stained rosewood. This was ordered from John Robertson Ltd, Suffolk.

( Ed. too late for Gaudi to submit a quote)

pat on bench

Who claims fame as the seat's first customer?

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