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OPAL Is Recruiting Additional Trustees

31st January 2021 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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OPAL, which won the Queen's Award for Voluntary Services in 2020, and provides support to older people and carers in rural communities across Cheshire west, is seeking to recruit additional Trustees to join their team.
Adapting and broadening reach is key to the strategic development plan for OPAL and despite the difficult environment COVID-19 has brought, the charity has continued to increase their service provision.

Committed to expanding and adapting to ever changing environments OPAL seeks new trustees to join their team. Offering flexibility in trustee posts with remote working and the opportunity to contribute as often as you choose, OPAL is inviting potential trustees to find out about how they can help make a real difference in their community?

For more information, please contact Jane Colville, Chair of Trust, on 01829 752607 or e-mail jane.colville@opalservices.org.uk

Ed: OPAL's telephone befriending service is now available to non OPAL members. If you are aware of anyone in our community who would benefit, particularly during the present lockdown, from one of OPAL's volunteers ringing them for a weekly catch up, please contact OPAL

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