The Parish Council discussed the recent public meeting of the Action for A51 Group. The Group, which is formed of parish councillors from parishes along the line of the A51 from the M6 to the A55, is anxious to see significant improvements in the road so as to reduce congestion at peak times and control the speed of heavy vehicles using the road at night.
The meeting heard from Mr Philip Cox, Chief Executive of the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), which is responsible for developing the sub-regional economy. This includes ensuring that the transport infrastructure can support economic growth (see TOL article, 29th June).
Through the A51 Group, the PC will put maximum pressure on the LEP to develop the business case for the A51 as soon as possible.
At the Parish Council Open Forum a resident suggested that traffic flow along the A51 would be improved if the traffic lights at Stamford Bridge were suspended for a trial period. He also outlined how the impact of this could be mitigated for drivers coming from Barrow and wishing to go to Chester.
The PC agreed to submit the suggestion to Cheshire West and Chester Council (CWaC) Highways. They will also say to CWaC that drivers on the A51 and A54 approaches to Tarvin roundabout should be told to use both lanes on the Chester side of the roundabout and to merge in turn.
Ed: Following on from the above Parish Council discussion, the PC Chairman, Ted Lush, will be attending CW&C Cabinet meeting on Wednesday 10th July to make representations regarding item10 on the agenda, A51 Tarvin to Chester (A55 junction) Improvement Scheme, including comments on the "pinch points" at Tarvin Roundabout and the Stamford Bridge junction.
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