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Parish Council Launch Improved Website

29th September 2016 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Parish Council
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Parish Council business is carried out in public and all documents, reports and correspondence, with a few minor exceptions, should be available for anyone to look at. However it is also true to say that it isn't always easy to live up to that high standard in practice and the Parish Council has been looking to ways to improve.

With the rise of the internet, public access to information is now easier and the Parish Council is delighted to announce the launch of an improved website. The site will continue to sit within Tarvin Online, accessed from the home page, but it has been expanded to include a much wider range of documents, reports, minutes and agendas. Navigating the site will also be easier, with a simple 'drop down' menu, though it will take a short time for all the material to be uploaded. There are even pictures of Councillors to go with their names, and in the future the site may be expanded to add a comments/suggestions section. While the use of computers is now very widespread, paper copies of information will also be available from the Clerk as usual. Contact the Clerk on 01829 741075 if you need advice.

The improved website follows a change in the format of the quarterly Tarvin Times, which now contains pictures, just a small change to encourage people to read the news inside. Residents are also invited to come along to listen to the Parish Council at work at their regular monthly meeting where they have a chance to raise items during the Open Forum. Much of the work done by the Parish Council is routine and can sometimes seem very repetitive, even occasionally dull, but it is the small changes made that improve the everyday lives of residents. Occasionally, as happened recently, issues arise like the possible gypsy and traveller site that put the Parish Council at the heart of things. There is still a vacancy on the Parish Council, so if you have been stirred to get more involved recently, perhaps you would like to take that extra step forward and put your application to the Clerk.

The Parish Council would like to thank Councillor Rod Ford for his work in making the changes to the website. He claims it was a labour of love, which does not detract from the fact that a lot of work was involved.

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