An article was published on 24th May requesting views of the public regarding Park Lane, the road that links the High Street to Bye-Pass Road. This arose because at the Annual Parish Meeting held on 4th May a member of the public had queried its safety and suggested that the Parish Council consider asking the Highways Authority to close the lane to vehicular traffic.
Thank you to the twelve residents who have responded so far (either via Tarvinonline or directly to the Clerk) to the following four options-
* Close the road to all motorised transport but keeping the road as a pedestrian/bicycle route
* Create a one-way road from Bye-Pass Road (A54) to the High Street
* Create a one -way road from the High Street to Bye-Pass Road (A54)
* Keep the road status as it is
Of the twelve responses to date six are suggesting no change and six are suggesting one way traffic, with differing views on which way the traffic should be allowed to travel.
Please continue to let the Parish Council have your comments. Contact any councillor or get in touch with The Clerk, Mike Hassall on 01829 741075 or by email on You can also comment via Tarvin Online.
Some Comments via Facebook
Mike Dooley. One way or keep it open altogether! I've not heard of any incidents over the last 12 years since I have been in the village.
Lynn Holmes No incidents, so surely no closure.
Deborah Anne Edwards It should be one way.No turn in off bypass would be better. I use it all the time it's far safer than the other 2 junctions.
Lucy Redfern I use it all the time with no problems, but maybe one way, just leaving the village, would be a good idea.
Sheila Edwards The only problem I have seen is cars coming through from co op side and looking towards Chester and pulling out only to find a vehicle overtaking a parked car opposite accident waiting to happen otherwise leave well alone and drivers always check both ways
Katy Perry I also use this Lane and it is much safer to turn right here than at the top.
Jane Hough If this road is closed due to safety reasons, then half if the roads in the area that are narrow, twisty and more dangerous due to much larger volumes of traffic should also be closed. Biggest problem on the lane is the overgrowth of hedge – it's only used by locals, so has minimal volume of traffic – I use it regularly and have barely met anything else on it (car, pedestrian or bike) I think it should stay as it is
Ros Fallows Biggest problem is the overgrown hedge
Paul Heath It may be better to make this road one way, allowing vehicles only to leave the village.
Nick Price Why close Park lane?The only thing that it needs is the hedge to be cut back and educate people how to drive down it.
There is nothing dangerous about this lane, apart from people who drive vehicles that are too large for themselves to handle and think they have enter or exit the lane in the middle.
Narrow road signage may persuade them to take an alternative route, if not comfortable in using it.
Jane Tordoff I also don't feel it should be closed. I use it regularly and have rarely encountered a problem. If anything really needs to be done then one way closing it to incoming traffic might be preferable as this then protects the safety of walkers against the faster incoming traffic from the bye-pass and also prevents cars from having to slow or stop suddenly along the bye-pass which in itself may cause issues.
Penny Lloyd-Watts This lane provides a useful route out of the village for traffic – it is often easier to turn right out of here rather than at the bottom of the village. I have never encountered a problem with either pedestrians or other vehicles. If a one way system is the only option for keeping it open, then close it to traffic entering the village.
Emma Blain We use this route in and out all the time. Some sort of signage to warn people it is a narrow lane and not one way would be good. As Nick Price says, the hedge needs cutting back and the pot holes need to be kept an eye on but I would say it is less dangerous than Ashton Lane end which is far more of a deadly junction
Edward Lush
My personal view is that Park Lane should remain two way but the hedge on the village side needs to be cut back regularly to the road line.
The reasons for my opinion are that Tarvin village, approximately 1050 houses plus many businesses only has 5 exits to the outside world so can we afford to lose one fifth, it is easier to exit east from the village towards Kelsall using Park Lane than the exit towards Kelsall at the top of the High Street and finally entering the village from the east (i.e. from Kelsall) using Park Lane avoids using the congested lower High Street.
However, I applaud the suggestion which has got people thinking and I hope that there are many more contributions plus other suggestions for improving access, traffic flow etc.
Moya Strangward
One way from High Street to Bye-pass road would be better! Crossing the traffic from the bottom or top junction is a nightmare going to work -- it's much easier to get out of Park Lane.
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