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Patients of the Kelsall Medical Practice who are Residents of Tarvin Parish

22nd December 2018 @ 6:06am – by Humphrey Claxton, Chairman of PPG
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Patient Participation Group of the Kelsall Medical Practice needs your help to raise £130,000 to build and equip the "Wellbeing Hub".

At one level we are building an annexe to the new Medical Centre to accommodate a range of activities aimed at
+ reducing loneliness and isolation amongst teenagers and young adults, young parents, mature adults and older people
+ addressing a long list of things that affect physical health, mental health and happiness
+ Creating support groups to help teenagers and young adults, young parents, carers, the bereaved, and people living with long term medical and mental conditions
We know these issues exist because you have told us so in the survey and the doctors see them every day and the doctors believe that we need the Wellbeing Hub to address them as an alternative to handing out pills, which only treat symptoms; not the underlying issues.

At another level we are doing much more than just building a room. We are building on the care and support that already happens in our community to create A caring and supportive culture and a comprehensive range of support services This will help people to remain fit and healthy longer, to feel less lonely and isolated, to deal with issues that lead to unhappiness and ill health, and to cope with mental and physical illness when that happens.

The doctors believe that we need a space adjacent to the medical centre to complement the clinical services available and to make a clear statement that health and wellbeing go together and as such they are more than just coming away with a prescription for pills.

The results of a recent survey show:
+ 91% of respondents think it is an excellent or good idea.
+ Over 50% want to get involved in the project in some way.
+ 100% want to be kept informed of developments.
We have many suggestions for why the Hub is needed and what activities it should host.

Humphrey Claxton, Chairman of the Patient Participation Group comments: "I am delighted that so many people responded to the survey – 4 times as many as would be expected from a survey like this which shows that there is massive interest in, and support for, the Hub. I now hope that the response to this fundraising appeal will be even better".

If every household in the village bought one bond we would raise £142,000. If every patient registered with the Practice donated £30 we would exceed our target. What are we asking you to do?

We are asking you to buy Bonds at £100 each. These Bonds are effectively unsecured, interest free loans that will be repaid as our fund raising activities progress. When will you get your money back? Whenever our fundraising activities reach £5,000 we will draw 50 Bonds out of the hat and repay them. Hopefully – but not guaranteed – all Bonds will be repaid within three years.

Why should you buy a Bond?

+ The Wellbeing Hub is much needed, as the survey has shown, and will, over time, make a big contribution to the wellbeing of residents of Kelsall and surrounding villages. Kelsall will be known as a great village in which to bring up children, live a happy and healthy life and grow older in a supportive community.
+ We all benefit in some way from the Community Centre, the Village Institute and the Village Green. All these community assets were funded in the past by contributions from the people of Kelsall. We need to continue this public spirited tradition.
+ The Hub will serve everyone from cradle to grave with a wide range of services to address needs that arise at every stage of life; particularly those where the fundamental need is for the company and support of others.
+ It is a low cost, low risk and in support of a good cause.
+ One Bond holder will win £1,000 in a draw when all Bonds have been repaid.

Why should you be confident about getting your money back? We are currently pursuing grants from various sources, including the Council, the Parish Council, the Co-op and the Lottery that add up to £70,000. Additionally we have mobilised the usual sorts of fundraising in the village in which you can participate.

Why do we need to sell bonds Construction should start in March 2019. We need to have raised £115,000 by the end of February so that we can instruct the builder to build the Hub. Many of the avenues we are pursuing for grant funding will not produce the grant money until after March.

How many Bonds can you buy? An unlimited number. What happens if the project doesn't go ahead? You get your money back.

How can you find out more or buy a bond You can email your question to kelsallppg@gmail.com or phone Humphrey Claxton on 01829 752905. You can also just make a donation Online by Googling MyDonate, selecting Donate to Charity and then entering Kelsall PPG into the Search bar or by cheque payable to KelsallPPG and sent to: 87 Old Coach Road, Kelsall, Tarporley, CW6 0RA

The Wellbeing Hub will be for all registered patients of the practice.

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