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Pick-up Your Litter

7th February 2014 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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Litter on our streets, lanes, hedgerows and recreation areas is not a serious problem in Tarvin but it is a problem and it does let the village down
CWaC Streetscene are responsible for litter picking in the Parish area and the Parish Council pays for the King George V playing field and the Millennium Garden to be litter picked Monday to Friday.
Of course litter is only there because someone drops it there. If everyone used the litter bins provided and 3 more have been requested for the junction of the lower High Street/A54, the junction of Heath Drive and Hockenhull Lane and Broomheath Lane/Tarporley Road, then the problem should disappear.
Please don't drop litter and if you see some you can safely pick up and dispose of please do it.

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