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Pick Your Own Strawberries

25th June 2023 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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delamere farm shop image20230624102658delamere farm shop image20230624102629

Many of us enjoy picking our own strawberries but may be put off by the thought of all that bending down to the plants. But there is an alternative.

The two photographs were taken today, Saturday, at Delamere Farm Shop, Station Road, Delamere where the strawberries are at head height, and there is an abundance of them, a veritable cornucopia of delicious fruits that are as easy to pick as they are to eat.

You may pick your own strawberries here on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10.30am with the last entry at 4pm. However the picking times can change depending on the weather and the state of the harvest so do check the Delamere Farm Facebook page or ring 07821 141559 to get the most up to date information.

The price is £8/kilo and payment can be cash or card. There is an extra charge for the punnets provided but you can take your own containers.

The field was planted at three different times to create three different ripening times, so there will be strawberries for may weeks to come.

Ed: Click on the photographs to enlarge them

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