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Playing Field beer bottles and more!

25th June 2020 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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beer bottles

Recall the article on Tarvinonline of 3 June which referred to litter being left on the King George V Playing Field -- last Sunday morning was again spoilt for those who like to take an early morning walk. There were carrier bags, beer bottles and broken beer bottles left lying around by the seat and goalmouth but worst of all there must have been at least 50 nitrous oxide capsules and balloons also left lying on the ground. Fortunately these were not found by children. Someone must be responsible for this and others must know who the culprits are. Who is going to do something about this?

As per normal the evidence was cleared away by mid-morning but let's not wait for this to happen again before some action is taken. The Parish Council have been made aware and hopefully it will be reported to the Tarvin PCSO.

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