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Police & Crime Commissioner urges the public to join the conversation

6th January 2017 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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David Keane, Police & Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, is urging residents across the county to join the conversation on funding for their police service.

Between 3 and 24 January 2017, Cheshire's communities will be able to give their views on whether funding for Cheshire Constabulary should be maintained at current levels or reduced. The public will be able express their opinions online on whether funding for the police service should be maintained. It will only take two minutes of your time, and the outcome will influence the decision the Commissioner makes about the policing precept. You will have three options; a two percent increase, a one percent increase or no increase to the policing element of the council tax.

Explaining the current financial position David said "Recent years have seen severe cuts to public services from successive Governments. The result locally has been that we have had to find £52.4 million of savings over the past 7 years. The Government has said that police budgets will be protected at current levels. However it isn't quite that simple, as the Government commitment does not take into account inflation and is based on local Police & Crime Commissioners increasing the police share of council tax, known as the policing precept, by 2%." During the online consultation the public and the business community will be asked if they are willing to support a 2% or 1% increase in the precept or whether it should be kept at the current level. The outcome will then provide the Commissioner with a clear understanding of what the public think before setting the policing precept for the forthcoming year."

David continued: "I am committed to speaking to the public about police funding prior to making any decision and I am keeping my promise. I know this is a tough decision, particularly as many people are continuing to feel that they have less money in their pocket after the bills have gone out, but I believe that a 2% increase, just 6p a week for a Band D average household, to maintain funding would provide strong support for local policing. I'm clear that maintaining current funding levels through a 2% increase in the precept would not mean local policing stands still. Through careful re-prioritisation, and increased efficiency, the people of Cheshire will see
investments in areas of policing you told me were important as I developed the Police & Crime Plan. Amongst other things, investment will be made in supporting victims of sexual abuse, local policing, investment in cutting edge technology to support public contact and road safety, and the provision of a modern fit for purpose estate all ensuring policing in Cheshire is connected with our communities."

"I have been working with Simon Byrne, the Chief Constable, to study the existing budget and will be making a number of efficiency savings. What I now need is your view on the police precept. A 1% increase would result in a cut of £0.6 million; this would mean a reduction in policing services and be equivalent to 13 fewer police officers.
Freezing the precept at the current level would require greater reductions in policing services through a £1.2 million cut, which is equivalent to 26 fewer police officers."

David concluded: "This is your chance to let me know your thoughts on whether we should be protecting funding for local policing; it'll only take a couple of minutes, so please get involved and join the conversation."

The consultation can be found online and a number of public consultation roadshows have been arranged across Cheshire to enable the Commissioner and his team to gather views from as many people as possible. All details can be found at www.cheshire-pcc.gov.uk

List of roadshows venues and dates are:

Monday 9th January ' Waitrose in Sandbach (2pm- 4pm)
Monday 16th January ' Tesco, Frodsham Square in Chester (12pm- 2pm)
Thursday 19th January ' Golden Square Shopping Centre, Warrington (2pm ' 4pm)

For those wishing to write in with their views, please indicate which of the options you support and write to:
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, Clemonds Hey, Oakmere Road, Winsford, Cheshire

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