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Possible Development off Church Street

2nd September 2015 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Parish Council
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Possible Development off Church Street
The Parish Council felt that the best approach was to ask all four parties concerned to come together to see if a plan could be formulated that would create a single development plan that would give the village the new facilities it needed, as well as any new housing on the best possible sites.

This approach has been rejected by Cheshire West and Chester Council Places Strategy. However in a recent letter they indicated that the formulation of such a plan would currently be 'contrary to a number of Development Plan policies'.

The news was well received by the Parish Council in that it indicates that the pressure for new development might not be as imminent as thought. This gives the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group more time to look in detail at policies that should guide possible new development for the advantage of everyone in the Parish.

The Steering Group is in the process of collecting the Questionnaires that will give them a clearer idea of the views of residents. When drawn up – and approved by the Parish in a referendum – the Neighbourhood Plan will become a legal planning document and will have to be taken into account should development pressures grow.

If your questionnaire has not been collected, please contact the Parish Clerk on 01829 741075 who will arrange for a Parish Councillor to come and get it.

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